

AVE and Fibromyalgia (FMS) Jun 3, 2010

By Mind Alive

Mind Alive BlogThursday, June 3, 2010 When dealing with fibromyalgia (FMS), it is important to be taking 3000 IU of liquid vitamin D every day. Pure Encapsulations is an excellent brand. Also use AVE every day to help relieve symptoms. Our FMS study showed that using beta stimulation (Brain Brightener or Energize sessions) upon awakening was helpful in reducing fibro-fog. The study also showed that afternoon alpha sessions were key in reducing daytime anxiety and nighttime delta sessions helped...

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AVE and PTSD May 11, 2010

By Mind Alive

Mind Alive BlogTuesday, May 11, 2010 Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that affects between 5 to 8% of Americans. Not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will develop the disorder, but those who do may experience learning, reasoning and rationalizing impairments; they may also engage in destructive behavior such as using drugs, alcohol, or violence. More information regarding PTSD is available here. Dr. John Carmichael is a psychologist specializing in clinical, military and...

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AVE Sessions May 3, 2010

By Mind Alive

Mind Alive BlogMonday, May 3, 2010 AVE Sessions At Mind Alive, we are often asked about what sessions people should be using for different symptoms, or what time of day they should be running with which session, etc. Sometimes the most important step is finding the session that works for you, because running the wrong session can mean little to no improvement. For example, I used to run beta (energizing) sessions in the morning, and...

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Vitamin D and Insomnia Mar 24, 2010

By Mind Alive

Mind Alive BlogWednesday, March 24, 2010 From January to May, I get many calls from people struggling with sleep. AVE and CES, for the most part, have been found to be fairly effective for improving sleep. However, it is always important to address the actual cause of the insomnia.If you sleep quite well in the summer, but not in the winter, and there are no particular stressors in your life, there might be another cause of...

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AVE and Tension Migraines Mar 5, 2010

By Mind Alive

Mind Alive BlogFriday, March 5, 2010 Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my personal story with you.I started experiencing headaches when I was ten years old. Most weeks I'd have them at least every second day, and they often made school difficult for me. Fluorescent lights, the sun and humidity often made them unbearable. I've never been able to pinpoint exactly what was causing them, although I do brux (grind my teeth) at night, which my...

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