Mind Alive Blog
Sunday, July 10, 2011
As much as we want our children to be safe and enjoy a happy childhood, life doesn't always work out that way. It's good know people can find relief using AVE.
Here is a testimonial about:
Kelly, Mother
Plymouth, MN
April, 2010
….within the last week or two, I think I have seen significant change. She is able to transition much easier, and express her love for us easier during non-routine transitions (such as Easter, traveling, etc)
She was home a lot with me, which helps her regulate greatly, but for the first time ever!?, she was able to remain calm and in control while her brother tried to act silly and get "her going" with his antics (which ALWAYS sends her spiraling out of control, laughing crazily and ends with her hitting and pinching him, etc-- they feed off each) but she remained with me... calm, ignoring his silliness...I think that was a HUGE moment.
She was also very CALM around her baby cousins (babies are a huge trauma trigger due to severe neglect) and actually said: I LIKE babies NOW. Another potentially HUGE step in her transitioning. Actually, I just remembered, that I held my baby niece a lot (which typically triggers her anger and insecurity causing her to be be very angry, jealous and pulls away from me -- she did none of this??) She played with her two year old cousin, and thought she was cute...which 2 year olds are the greatest trigger (we adopted her when 2 -- it was NOT an easy transition)...
The last week or two, she wanted to be very close to me, and has said she missed me at school, and has slept in our room to be close and safe...these are all positive changes...I pray we keep moving forward....
Thank you!
by Sima Chowdhury - July 10, 2011