Sharing our Greatest Hits from 2024!
We would like to share our most popular posts on our Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) pages in 2024. So please enjoy whether this is the first time seeing the post or a review!
Most often, we post about the technologies that we use in our work – Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE), Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES), transcranial DC Stimulation (tDCS), and Microcurrent Electrotherapy (MET), but we also like to share interesting articles we come across about the brain, mental health, how physical fitness helps keep our brains young, etc.
January Top FB Post:
Read this exciting testimonial from an 83-year old Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) user after two weeks:
#MindAlive #AudioVisualEntrainment #BrainFitness #BrainHealth #ImproveCerebralBloodFlow #Seniors #OlderAdults #AgingWell #StressManagement #BrainBooster #MoodBooster #BodyBooster #Neuromodulation
January Top X post:
#TipTuesday The #SchumannResonance is the electromagnetic frequency found b/w Earth's surface & ionosphere. We have a sleep session @ the same frequency of 7.8 Hz. #MindAlive #AudioVisualEntrainment #Sleep #Insomnia #Meditation #BrainHealth #DAVIDDelightPro
February Top FB post:
In this fascinating interview, Dave Siever, CEO of Mind Alive Inc., and Dr. Jeff Tarrant of the NeuroMeditation Institute discuss Dr. Tarrant's new book "Becoming Psychic.” They discuss how Dr. Tarrant uses either the Spectrum eyeset or DAVID Delight Plus device to help people develop their psychic abilities. Dr. Tarrant is a pioneer in the field of working with psychic and altered states of consciousness and looking at raw EEGs and putting science to the field. If you like hearing about brainwaves, this video is for you.
February Top X post:
Elevate your education with easy-to-use Audio-Visual Entrainment(AVE)technology.
March Top FB post:
For those with ADHD, high levels of stimulation have been shown to wake up the pre-frontal lobes, resulting in reduced hyperactivity, improved attention, and less moodiness.
March Top X post:
Sharing this interesting article about using 40 Hz light and sound sessions. We have 40 Hz sessions on the DAVID Delight Pro and DAVID Delight Plus.
April Top FB post:
Read this webpage about the different brainwave states to help you choose which sessions you would like to run on our DAVID devices.
April Top X post:
Using #AudioVisualEntrainment (AVE) for managing #ADD / #ADHD symptoms has produced wide-spread improvements!
May Top FB post:
We took some DAVID Delight Pro devices to the Inventure$ Conference in Calgary so that people could try out technology manufactured in Alberta. We set them up to experience a 15-minute Meditate session.
More conference attendees are getting relaxed!

May Top X post:

Jun Top FB Post:
Happy and grateful to share we have been given another award by @ghpmagazine
Most Innovative Non-Pharmaceutical Technology Manufacturer 2024
Jun Top X post:
Jul Top FB post:
Need a pick-me-up during a break at work, or before attending an event, or going to a get-together? Be more awake, focused, and alert by running an Energize category Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) session. There is even a 7-minute one you can use on a coffee break. These are the ones on the DAVID Delight Plus and DAVID Delight Pro.

Jul Top X post:
Our hearts go out to all of the people of Jasper, Alberta, Canada and all of the people affected by the wildfires. We are grateful for all of the efforts of the firefighters and first responders. #MindAlive #Jasper #AthabascaHotel

Aug Top FB post:
- A 100 Hz Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) session produces more serotonin than other CES frequencies found on the Oasis Pro or Delight Pro, boosting relaxation and helping to improve sleep.
- On the Oasis Pro, you can run either a 20-minute, 45-minute, or 3-hour 100 Hz session.
- By default, on a DAVID Delight Pro, the CES stimulation is synchronized with the AVE stimulation in the running session. When you first turn on CES, the rate of pulses will be the same as the AVE frequency. To engage 100 Hz at any time, press both the CES up and down buttons together. Press them again to return to AVE frequencies.

Aug Top X post:
Read our monthly email! (You could even use the SMR for Reading Brain Booster session with viewhole eyeset).

Sep Top FB post:
Mind Alive Inc. celebrating 43 years of designing and manufacturing brain performance devices!

Sep Top X post:
On p. 23 of the Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) User Guide, we have a description of best times to use the sessions on a DAVID Delight series device.

Oct Top FB post:
Tango is helping some Mind Alive staff members wish you a Happy Halloween!

Oct Top X post:
Our latest monthly email is now available to read. #DaveSiever discusses #postOlympic #mentalhealth in a video & we share info re: 2 upcoming presentations + more.
#MindAlive #AudioVisualEntrainment #Olympics #Olympians #MoodBooster #MoodManagement
#MindAlive #AudioVisualEntrainment #Olympics #Olympians #MoodBooster #MoodManagement

Nov Top FB post:
Dave Siever presenting Nov 8th at School of Neurotherapy Conference in Santa Barbara.
#MindAlive #DaveSiever #BrainHealth #ThalamocorticalDisconnect #AudioVisualEntrainment #SchoolOfNeuroTherapy

Nov Top X post:
#Destress and breathe in a #calm & #meditative way with no-cost Windows 10/11 #DAVIDBreathe PC App on your home or work PC.
Learn more: Mind Alive Inc - DAVID Breathe – Mind Alive Inc.
Dec Top FB post:
Meet our most advanced device! The DAVID Premier with Spectrum Eyeset comes with many new features! Holds 200 sessions! More preinstalled sessions! Lighted graphic display with menu! More technologies on one device! Internal lithium battery!
Dec Top X post:
We wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!