AVE to Improve My Sports Performance by Marissa Ponich - Fencer

By Mind Alive

I started fencing when I was 19, which is later than most.  When I was younger, I tried various sports, but none that I fell in love with. I found this sport through when my husband, who was just a friend at the time, introduced me to it. I immediately found a fencing club and have been training ever since. I fell in love with this sport instantly. It is a game of physical chess; you have to set up your actions and always think ahead of your opponents. I am very challenge driven and fencing is both mentally and physically challenging.

So far it has been an incredible journey full of world travels, ups and downs, and valuable learning experiences. I’ve been a part of the National Team for women’s sabre fencing in Canada since 2013 (the same year I started competing internationally).  After only 3 and a half years of international fencing experience (and lacking the cadet and junior level experience because I started fencing at such a late age), I have come very far. I’ve been to 4 Pan American Championships, 3 World Championships, and the 2015 Pan American Games.

I started using DAVID Delight during the 2015/16 fencing season after a recommendation from my sports psychologist. I was already doing some biofeedback and neurofeedback with my sports psychologist, but it was great to be able to “train my brain” in between my sessions as well. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my overall fencing. I primarily use the Brain Booster sessions. When needed, I will sometimes use the Sleep sessions or the Meditate sessions. The night before a major competition, I will always use the Brain Booster function and I notice that I am definitely more focused and it is easier for me to get “in the zone” when I am competing. The system is compact and very easy to travel with.

Using AVE, I have noticed that I am more focused and confident both in fencing and in my personal life. I also worry and stress much less than I used to. I have also noticed that it has helped improve my relationships. I used to have problems sleeping, but now I rarely have any trouble falling asleep at night.

I was very close to qualifying for the 2016 Rio Olympics. The amount of improvement I have seen over the past season while I was using DAVID Delight has gone to show me that I cannot stop now. My goal is to win a gold medal in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and I am confident that I will succeed. DAVID Delight has been a major tool in helping me achieve my goals so far, and I would recommend it to other athletes looking for an extra edge in their game.

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by Marissa Ponich - Fencer - 

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